Eupro and its specialists carry out the assessments that involve the interaction between the building structure, its occupation and the environment in which it is located.
The interactions between the building and the environment are studied using virtual models of the building itself with the help of specific software tools. The modelling process allows to evaluate:
- the energy behaviour of the building, or whichever area within it, extrapolating data in terms of power, energy, temperature, consumption, humidity for any time interval (hour, day, month, year);
- the impact of natural and mechanical ventilation on both the external and internal sides of the building, in order to reduce and / or improve the energy impact and the comfort for the occupants;
- contribution of natural lighting in the spaces, to maximise the visual comfort and energy saving;
- analysis of air movements using Computational Fluid Dynamics, which allows the study and the visualisation of temperatures and air velocity in a detailed way.
Since the initial design stages, such evaluations allow to identify with ease the economic impact of design choices, especially for refurbishment interventions on existing buildings.
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