
Eupro is an independent company, founded in 2000 to respond to the market needs in the engineering and architecture fields.

The founders, professionals of extensive experience, have joined their forces to create a multidisciplinary entity to offer quality service in the professional activity.

The company, based in Ragusa (Sicily, IT), has managed since the beginning to expand its offer beyond the local territory, obtaining successful appointments at national level in the public sector.

The presence of qualified specialists in various disciplines makes possible the management of complex design interventions.

Eupro has also put in place a quality managmenent system for more than ten years, in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Our Values

Quality first

Quality first, without compromise. Our target is to ensure the best result to the client compatibly with allocated time and costs. The trust put in our regards by important italian companies is the proof of our capacity at maintaining high quality standards.


Aspire to the best

In its long professional experience, since 1987, the company management has always aimed at excellence by investing in human resources, software, equipment and technologies. We can boast a strong team, ready to take on the most demading challenges.


Innovation in engineering

Innovation is one of our points of strength. We have always been interested in the evolution of technology by constanty adopting the state-of-the-art tools. The introduction of BIM in the design of complex interventions allows us to relate with other companies at national and international level. The design of the Biomedical Research and Biotechnologies Centre of Fondazione Ri.MED., entirely developed on Autodesk Revit, is one of our latest achievements.


Giuseppe Cicero

Engineer - CEO

Alberto Miceli

Surveyor - Administrator